Monday, August 30, 2010

Packing at LAST!

I wanted to start packing ages ago, but for some reason today is the day it actually happened. My target weight for checked luggage is 50 pounds, no more. I know that U.S. airlines tend to allow you 60 pounds, but some European carriers only allow 50. To keep from having to feverishly throw things away in some airport lounge, I stay with 50. That also keeps me from bringing home souvenirs which will ultimately end up in next year's garage sale. For the first time on this trip I'm trying out vacuum bags, which are the plastic bags in which you stuff your clothes and then vacuum out all the air to make them take up less space. They require a little patience (which I lack when dealing with such things) but do seem to save space. You only have to worry about them getting an air leak, expanding to their original size, and causing your bag to explode in the cargo hold of the plane! Just kidding. No, if you can stand the irritation of trying to squirrel four or five shirts into one of these skinny plastic bags, then rolling them up to force out the air, it's probably worth your time. So, as we speak, I've got everything in my bag except for a couple of small items and it weighs in at 46 pounds. Right on! Now to tackle the carry-on luggage.

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