Sunday, May 23, 2021

Day 18 -- Bozeman, Montana to Cody, Wyoming -- 204 Miles

Today we decided to whimp out and abandon Montana and the incessant rainy weather there. With that thought in mind, we continued our eastward sojourn on Interstate 90 as it drifted southeast, then jumped off in the town of Laurel, Montana and took Route 310 south in search of Shangri La.

We stayed on Route 310 until just after leaving the town of Bridger, Montana, then took Route 72 in a southwesterly direction until it turned into Wyoming Route 120. About that time, the blessed sun finally began to make its appearance. It's almost as if Montana had been hoarding all the rain and snow, and Wyoming was simply having none of it. One moment everything was gray and sullen, and the next moment we had broken free of the Idaho/Montana winter weather curse and emerged full-strength into summer.

For the rest of the drive into Cody, Wyoming we stopped occassionally just to photograph the sky. Although we spent the biggest percentage of our day listening to the grind and slap of the Nevada-dessicated windshield wipers, all the weather-related angst of the past few days melted away as the sun burst upon us over Wyoming's grand hills and valleys.

So, since we didn't stop at any attractions today, there are no photographs to share with you other than the ones you see below. I hope you enjoy the sunshine and beautiful fluffy clouds as much as we enjoyed it in person.

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