Monday, May 19, 2008

12 Weeks to go before retirement

This past weekend I passed the 12-week mark. When I first started this blog I had six months to go before retirement. The purpose was to put down my thoughts as I planned a trip to the land of my ancestors. The airline reservations are set (for what that's worth in this day of mergers), the B&Bs are set, the rental car is set, the world phone is purchased, the various passes are purchased, and work on my genealogy is coming along nicely. I want to travel to all the places in Scotland, Wales, and England where my father's ancestors lived and worked. The Davis family, Welshmen all, made their living as iron workers in the mid nineteenth century before they immigrated to America. Other members of the family, the Browns of Scotland, were also iron workers in Wales. At the same time, the Burton family made their living as farmers just down the road from Stonehenge. So, I have plenty of territory to visit. We plan to start in Edinburgh, and motor through Wales, southern England, and return to Scotland along the east coast of England. But for now, the countdown continues.

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