Here's the rest of the lyrics:
Words by Antonia Ridge
and music by Friedrich W. Moller,
copyright © 1954 by Bosworth & Co., Ltd.
I love to go a-wandering,
Along the mountain track,
And as I go, I love to sing,
My knapsack on my back.
Val-de-ri, val-de-ra,
Val-de-ri, val-de-ra, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
Val-de-ri, val-de-ra
My knapsack on my back (repeat last line of each verse).
I love to wander by the stream,
That dances in the sun,
So joyfully it calls to me,
Come join my happy song.
I wave my hand to all I meet,
And they wave back to me,
And blackbirds call so loud and sweet
From every green wood tree.
High overhead the skylarks wing,
They never rest at home
But just like me they laugh and sing,
As o'er the world we roam.
Oh, may I go a-wandering
Until the day I die,
Oh, may I always laugh and sing,
Beneath God's clear blue sky.
Click here to listen to the Happy Wanderer theme. User your browser's back button to return to this blog. Be patient, sometimes it takes a moment to start.
Slim was born in 1903 and has been gone from the scene since 1975, but he certainly touched my life way back then. He was the first one to really awaken the travel bug in me and I'll always be grateful. Here's a copy of one of his wonderful maps from his TV series, The Happy Wanderers. All these years later, I still have a large collection them.
Thanks for this memory.
I grew up in Los Angeles during the 1960s and fondly remember watching this show (especially remember the great theme and the friendly hosts).
For some reason, the show came to mind today, and through the marvel of the Internet, I came across your post.
I appreciate your taking the time to share this!
Thank you so much for remembering those wonderful times with the Happy Wanderers. Not many people remember the show anymore. Slim had a hearty real laugh and Henrietta was his beautiful sidekick. They were real people who didn't use 'cue-cards' to tell the viewers how wonderful and sometimes educational this trips really were.
To see your tribute now is especially heart warming to me as their son and my father Lawrence C. "Larry" Barnard died on Oct. 19, 2008 God decided it was time from him to join them in heaven.
Thank you and please continue your travels....."I love to go a wandering along the mountain track....."
Cathy Barnard- Haro
I came across some pictures and stories about Slim and Henrietta in our old North Shore News when they came down to do a story on the Salton Sea. They were enjoying breakfast at the North Shore Yacht Club here in North Shore.
The yacht club is just beginning renovation and will be open by the end of the year. The East Valley Historical Society will have a small museum in the club and I'm looking for any old photo's etc. that might be floating around. I'd love to get high resolution images if anyone has some to share of the "Happy Wanderers" at the Salton Sea and/or the yacht club. Maybe someone even has one of their famous maps I could get a copy of. I can be reached at EVHistoricalSociety at Thanks, Jennie
Like you, I grew up in Southern California in the 60's and 70's and would watch their show religiously. I recall they would show silent 16mm films of their adventures while they narrated. Their son, Larry(?) joined in the on air narration in the later episodes. I recalled meeting them while hiking in the Cuyamaca State Park area in the early 70's, recognizing Henrietta immediately (she was quite the looker back in the day). They were friendly and still going strong well after the show left the airwaves.
Thanks for bringing back some great memories. I don't recall the maps, but what a treasure you've got there.
Sure wish there were rotoscopes of those old shows. They certainly would hold some images of places changed long ago.
Hello. I came across this site and was very pleased to find one of my Uncle Howard Burke's many maps that he provided for the Happy Wanderers TV show. My uncle was a brilliant cartographer and illustrator, who worked for William Randolph Hearst during WW2 and afterwards and also later did the weekly maps for this show. I hope you will amend your information to include his name as the creator of this work. I know Mr. Barnard would acknowledge him. Thank you, Adrien Rain Burke.
I remember this Happy Wanderers TV show and it was influential for my parents to buy a travel trailer. Which they did. There are vinatge video clips of that show in this video offered by Visiting...With Huell Howser #418 - HAPPY WANDERERS
Spend a day with the cast and crew of the very popular 50s - 60s TV travel show the "Happy Wanderers" and meet Slim Barnard's wife, Henrietta.
I saw and talked for a moment with Mr Slim Barnard and his wife Henrietta in LA at a booth at an Auto and Travel show, it must have been the middle 70's. Huell Howser did a Calif Gold episode on the Happy Wanderer show, which he was kind enough to send me a VHS copy of in the middle 90's when I happen to mention it at a then KCET store appearance of his. I always liked that happy show, song and both of the Barnards, besides Slim's catchy laughter. Sure miss those old TV shows.
Do you know if it possible to access the old shows? My brother, sister and I were on one episode and it would be fun to see it again.
I'm so sorry as I cannot help you. All of my grandfathers shows are now the property of another company. The name of this company escapes me at the moment. I can get the info. Do you know the name of the particular show or it's content/place that was being featured? Cathy
Hi Cathy,
Your grandfather came out to our pheasant ranch and hunting club two different times, as he enjoyed hanging out with my father there and had a great time hunting pheasants with him.
The episodes were between 1962 and 1970(pheasant hunting content).
"Reed's Royal Ringnecks" was the name of our hunting club, located in Aguanga,California.
My father, Jack Reed, died of a sudden heart attack on the ranch in 1971 at the age of 51. We have no movie film of him at all, and we would so appreciate a clip of him moving and talking with your father on our ranch. It would be a treasure for us to show his four grandchildren.Thank you.
Marsha Dowd,
Well here it is 2017 and I just saw Huell's show, google who was in it. Sadly Huell, Henrietta and her son are no longer with us.
What I'm wondering is what happened to all the film/video of the show they mentioned it was stored in Larry Jr. garage. I certainly hope it wasn't deteriorating like film does, got destroyed or the collection all scattered to who know where. I hope the descendants did like Huell did and donated it to a college/organization like Chapman or whatever. Does anyone know what happened to all of the collection????
All of the film from The Happy Wanderers TV show is located at Producers Laboratories in the Valley. It may be Studio City I honestly can't remember. If you want a copy of any episode please feel free to contact the. Best of luck.
My grandfather drew all of the maps for Happy Wanderers his Name is Howard Burke, he passed away in the 60s . . I am in one of the shows as a young child riding a miniature donkey in the San Fernando Valley. Hansen Dam. Joy Scott
I’m the granddaughter of the artist who made the maps I also would like a copy of the episode I’m in of Hansen Dam in the San Fernando Valley.
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